The Exhausted Mom Solution Waitlist

If you’re curious about my 12-week program, The Exhausted Mom Solution, I encourage you to join this waitlist. (You are NOT committing to participate by signing up below.)

When you sign up you’ll receive occasional emails from me designed to help you experience renewed energy with helpful information and tools gleaned straight from the program.

These aren’t just fluff emails. I want you to start improving your energy just from implementing some of the tools I share in the emails.

As a member of the waitlist, when I open registration, you’ll be the first to know and will receive a discount as well!

Enter your info below and I’ll be in touch soon.

By clicking “Sign Me Up!” I agree to At The Well Coaching's privacy policy.

The Exhausted Mom Solution

Grounded in prayer, during this 12-week program you’ll walk through six modules designed to gently guide you though do-able steps to improve your energy. You’ll grow in awareness, you’ll experiment, and you’ll discover what your unique body needs. By the time you’re done, you’ll look back at the day you signed up and be amazed at how far you’ve come and how much more energy you have!

What Participants Are Saying

  • The Exhausted-Mom Solution has been an eye opening program! Instead of leaning on sugar and caffeine for energy throughout the day I am learning how to use food to fuel my energy levels. The program is teaching me to look at all areas of my life and see how they may affect my food choices. I am so much more aware of my energy levels and now have tools to increase my energy in healthy ways.

    - Virginia S.

  • I love this program. Janna is an amazing coach who focuses on helping you strengthen your overall well-being, not just nutrition. I never felt intimidated or pressured to change anything about my lifestyle. Janna emphasizes bio-individuality. She provides numerous facts about spiritual and physical wellness and allows participants to choose their own personal goals. I feel happier, healthier, and closer in my relationship with God. I am so grateful I decided to join the program.

    - Amy K.

  • Tonight, as I was preparing for bed, I mentioned my list of daily accomplishments to my daughter while being silly with her and she said: "Thank you Exhausted Moms!" You couldn't have a bigger endorsement here! She is happy having a mom who is no longer strung out all the time! Yesterday I cleaned house and last night I didn't fall to sleep before 1am, but I can still be here for my family. Thank you, Janna, and the ladies, for the help in getting back to functioning in life!

    - Nicole O.

About Janna

Janna Kerr is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and founder of At The Well Coaching. She serves exhausted Christian moms by meeting them “at the well” — in the midst of their day-to-day — and empowers them to love and care for their bodies so they can fulfill their God-given mission in this world. As a mom of three, Janna knows the struggle of not having enough energy to make dinner, let alone "finding balance". In 2016, Janna was able to shift her focus from the nonprofit world to the health and wellness industry. Personal connection with her clients is the best part of her day and she's passionate about giving them simple, realistic, and actionable tools.