The Exhausted Mom Solution

prioritize your self-care — improve your energy — grow closer to the Lord

You’ll get so much more than you expected

Past participants of The Exhausted Mom Solution have started the program looking for:

  • Better ways to take care of themselves

  • Help understanding the best foods to eat

  • Wanting to be as healthy as possible for future pregnancies

  • Guidance in reducing stress and overwhelm with small kids at home

  • Help losing weight

They’ve come away with that and more:

  • Creating peaceful evening routines

  • Learning what foods help them feel their best

  • Growing in their relationship with Jesus

  • Discovering new hobbies and passions both in and outside the home

  • Building a local network of mom friends

  • Feeling more confident in how they feed themselves and their families

  • Noticing and addressing cravings

  • Applying the stress mastery tools they’ve learned to their marriages and their parenting

I love this program. Janna is an amazing coach who focuses on helping you strengthen your overall well-being, not just nutrition. I never felt intimidated or pressured to change anything about my lifestyle. Janna emphasizes bio-individuality. She provides numerous facts about spiritual and physical wellness and allows participants to choose their own personal goals. I feel happier, healthier, and closer in my relationship with God. I am so grateful I decided to join the program.

- Amy K.

Join The Exhausted Mom Solution

The Exhausted Mom Solution - On Demand
One time
For 3 months

Virtual course, done completely on your own time. After 90 days, you receive access to monthly drop-in client coaching calls (pay as you go)

✓ Over 4 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
The Exhausted Mom Solution - with 1:1 Coaching
One time
For 3 months

As part of 1:1 coaching, you receive 12 weeks of customized support with all the content of The Exhausted Mom Solution available as an additional resource.

✓ BONUS: access to the How Not To Hate Cooking mini-course
✓ Six 1:1 coaching calls
✓ Access to Janna, your coach, whenever you need support
✓ Over 4 hours of video content
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Not sure which option is the best for you?
Click here to get some time on our calendars.

Tonight, as I was preparing for bed, I mentioned my list of daily accomplishments to my daughter while being silly with her and she said: "Thank you Exhausted Moms!" You couldn't have a bigger endorsement here! She is happy having a mom who is no longer strung out all the time! Yesterday I cleaned house and last night I didn't fall to sleep before 1am, but I can still be here for my family. Thank you, Janna, and the ladies, for the help in getting back to functioning in life!

- Nicole O.

What’s Inside

Module 1: Build A Solid Foundation

  • Create a foundation of prayer and sacred self-image

  • Craft a vision, an intention and goals for the program

  • Start exploring primary foods with the Circle of Life

Module 2: The Food On Your Plate

  • Explore your mindset around food and how food impacts your energy

  • Start practicing the concepts of bio-individuality and crowding out

  • Learn how to eat foods that support your energy

Module 3: Nourish Your Whole Self

  • Explore the Primary Food areas of home cooking, relationships, and social life

  • Learn how to navigate cravings

  • Gain new tools to plan for meals that best energize you

  • Reflect on your journey thus far

Module 4: Movement And Rest

  • Explore the Primary Food area of physical activity

  • Understand the connection of movement and rest to health and energy

  • Experiment with ways to incorporate movement into your day

  • Work to improve your sleep hygiene

Module 5: Reframing Stress

  • Explore the Primary Food areas of creativity, joy, and education

  • Gain a new understanding of stress and your reactions to it

  • Start to practice the 3-step process to master your stress

Module 6: Create Your Easy Buttons

  • Explore the Primary Food area of home environment

  • Start experimenting with different “easy buttons” in your life like habits, routines, plans, and systems

  • Prayerfully review all you’ve learned and accomplished in the program

  • Create a plan to continue moving forward

Meet Your Coach

Janna Kerr is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and founder of At The Well Coaching. She serves exhausted Christian moms by meeting them “at the well” — in the midst of their day-to-day — and empowers them to love and care for their bodies so they can fulfill their God-given mission in this world.

As a mom of three, Janna knows the struggle of not having enough energy to make dinner, let alone "finding balance." In 2016, Janna was able to shift her focus from the nonprofit world to the health and wellness industry. As the Lord revealed a deep passion for serving moms and being a trusted guide on their health journeys, Janna embraced health coaching. This world desperately needs strong, healthy, faith-filled women to be Christ's hands and feet, and Janna is humbled to play a small role in supporting moms in this way.


  • It really comes down to personal preference and what you hope to get out of the program. If you…

    …have a very limited schedule and don’t think you can make bi-weekly coaching calls, the On Your Own option might be best.

    …want dedicated and customized support for your health goals and the ability to pick and choose the parts of the program we focus on together, then the One on One is absolutely the way to go.

    Really not sure what’s best for you? Hop on a quick call with me and we’ll figure it out together.

  • At this time, I don't have plans to offer The Exhausted Mom Solution as a group program again, but I always try to stay open to what the Holy Spirit wants me to do next.

    If you'd really love a group option, please let me know!

  • We’ll set up your prep and goal-setting call and together decide on a schedule of calls, aiming for the same time and day of the week for each call. We’ll also schedule 1 additional call as back-up in case a situation arises where you cannot make a regularly scheduled call.

  • I’ve designed The Exhausted Mom Solution for tired and busy moms! Each video lesson is about 15 minutes long.

    In the On Demand version, if you want to complete the entire program, I recommend giving yourself about 12 weeks to work through the material. You can expect to spend about an hour on the videos, handouts, and suggested action steps. You are welcomed and encouraged to spend as much or as little time as you need on all parts of the program.

    For the 1:1 program, you will be directed to specific parts of the program as topics arise on our calls. However, you're always welcome to log in and go through whatever material you'd like.

  • Everything you need will be in your welcome email. As soon as you register, you’ll receive an email to access the course. Your username will be the email you used to register and you’ll be prompted to create a new password.

  • My #1 priority is to provide you with the tools and support you need to create lasting behavior change so that you can have the health, vitality, and peace you need to fulfill God’s work for you in this world.

    If at any point during the program you feel you are contributing diligent prayer and effort and still not receiving value, you will receive one complimentary 1:1 coaching call with me to troubleshoot roadblocks. If, after that call, you are still unsatisfied and wish to withdraw from the program, I will completely refund your program fee.

The Exhausted Mom Solution has been an eye opening program! Instead of leaning on sugar and caffeine for energy throughout the day I am learning how to use food to fuel my energy levels. The program is teaching me to look at all areas of my life and see how they may affect my food choices. I am so much more aware of my energy levels and now have tools to increase my energy in healthy ways.

- Virginia S.

You want more energy.

You want to honor God with how you care for your body and for your family.

You want a life of health and peace.

The Exhausted Mom Solution will help you achieve all of this.