At The Well Coaching

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Fatigue and Faith

Have you ever felt a pull to do something, but were too afraid to go for it? That feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know what you should do, but the thought of actually putting it into action freezes you to the spot? I’ve been there for sure and because of it, this month’s post is a bit different. It’s a look inside what’s been going on behind the scenes lately at At The Well Coaching, and a new focus for my coaching. If what I share isn’t for you, I hope I’ve provided some value to you on your health journey. If it is for you, be sure you’re on my newsletter list and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us!

In the beginning…

When I was at IIN studying to become an integrative nutrition health coach, I knew that my faith had to be part of how I run my business. The health and wellness world is full of ideas and practices that don’t always jive with what I believe. I used to wonder how I'd function as a coach in this space or what I’d do when someone asked why I don’t recommend energy healing or talk about manifesting our dreams. I wasn’t brave enough to directly incorporate my faith into my coaching.

Early on, I thought I would be a health coach and keep my faith in the background — let it influence how I behave, but not directly address it with my clients. However, as I continued to pray about it and explore possibilities, it became clear that integrating faith and health is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Once I made that decision, it felt right. That feeling in the pit of my stomach was gone. Sure it’s still a little scary — what new venture isn’t?! — but I’m operating now with a much greater confidence. Thanks be to God!

Allow me to reintroduce myself :)

I’m Janna, and I’m an integrative nutrition health coach. I work with busy Christian women to overcome fatigue and chronic stress through the lenses of health and faith. When we carry an invisible burden of stress we struggle to get through the day weighed down by this load. I help women connect the dots to see how their fatigue and symptoms of stress can be improved though both their faith and their health. My coaching program provides relief, improved energy, and most importantly, hope.

Our journey on this side of heaven has to be grounded in Christ. The world would have us think we can do it all on our own, but isn’t that where so much of our stress comes from in the first place?! We try to do it all and then we feel scattered, confused, overwhelmed and hopeless while white-knuckling it through each day. To get to the root of our fatigue we’ve got to look at our health and our faith at the same time. What small diet and lifestyle changes can we make today that will provide relief and long-term health? How are we turning to God, relying on Him, and letting Him lead us in our health and lifestyle decisions? How do we serve God, in the bodies He’s given us and despite the stress that surrounds us? Helping my clients answer these questions is at the heart of At the Well Coaching.

As a health coach grounded in faith, I approach my own health and help my clients to approach their health with these core concepts in mind:

  • Our bodies are inherently good — they are a gift from God and have an incredible capacity to thrive.

  • Our bodies enable us to serve God and those He places in our care — our bodies should be lovingly cared for.

  • Our faith must help us set the priorities in our life — if God isn’t first, everything else will be out of whack.

  • Everyone has a unique experience of stress — there is no one-size-fits-all solution.