Why I Schedule Time to Reset Good Habits

It’s so easy to get caught up in the craziness of life. You blink and not just a week, but a whole month or a whole season has gone by. Personally, I can’t believe it’s already April. Didn’t we just ring in the new year? How are we already looking at Memorial Day and summer plans?

In all that craziness, it’s SO easy to let our health take a backseat to the immediate needs of the people around us. However, we aren’t called to live in a constant state of crazy-stress-ignoring our needs. When we live that way, we’re not caring for our bodies, minds or spirits well…and that’s not what God has in mind for us.

Why I need a reset

I’m as guilty as the next person of not always appreciating the present moment. That’s why, at least once a quarter, I pull myself back with 10 days of intention. No, I don’t escape to some exotic island (wouldn’t that be nice!). I simply choose a few healthy habits to really pay attention to for 10 days. It’s a refresher on the habits that I know are good for me, but so often start to slide when I don’t pay attention to them.

It’s a way to notice areas that may need more attention. I also celebrate things I’m doing well. It’s so encouraging to know that at least 4 times a year I’m going to give myself this gift.

What I focus on

I started doing these resets thanks to the Shred10™ program from Juice Plus+ back in 2015. That original program is what I now base my Healthy Habits Reset off of…with my own twist. When I do a reset now, there are 9 different habits I chose from. Honestly, I don’t usually tackle all 9! Each time I do a reset I pick the few that I feel like I need the most support with and incorporate the others as best I can without causing undue stress. There is ZERO pressure to do this perfectly. There is no perfect way to do a reset, it’s about small improvements and awareness, not the perfect diet or schedule or habit.

You can find all the habits on the event details page, but as a quick overview, they are: prayer, hydration, sleep, exercise, and crowding out less nutritious food with food that will really nourish my body well.

Did you notice? The focus of the reset is not about restrictions and a giant list of things I can’t eat. I’ve done that. It wasn’t fun and I was always hungry. Now, when I do my reset I know there is a ton of food I can eat and I get to focus on how wonderful I feel. Sure I go back to a few of the “treats” after the 10 days - I believe in the 80/20 rule - but the reminder of how great my body can feel when it’s nourished well really helps me stick with these healthy habits longer.

The amazing benefits

Over the years I’ve realized that pretty much each time we did a Shred10™, there was one little healthy change that seemed to stick. When I look back now, I’m impressed by the long-term changes we’ve made to our diets thanks to doing these resets! Because it’s based on healthy habits, I even did it while I was pregnant and nursing our youngest daughter. (Side note: that was hands down the best pregnancy of my 3!)

Doing the Shred10™ consistently helped me pinpoint a gluten sensitivity which has been so helpful. 3-4 days in I’d suddenly realize my rings were almost falling off, my cheekbones were more pronounced and I didn’t feel as bloated or puffy. Add some gluten back in and I puff up almost right away. I don’t know that I would have ever paid attention enough to figure that out if I hadn’t been doing this program.

Because of these resets, I’m much more in tune with my body and what it needs (or doesn’t need) to feel it’s best. Having done them for years now, it’s been neat to watch how my body has changed as well. I’m no longer pregnant and nursing, but with the kids in school I’m also a bit more sedentary than I was before. Doing these resets creates the opportunity for me to have some awareness of my body instead of ploughing through the days and never stopping to really notice unless there’s a problem.

An important part of both the Shred10™ and my Healthy Habits Reset is the community. You get to swap recipes, work through roadblocks and celebrate successes with the people doing it alongside you. It’s great! Over the years I’ve heard amazing stories of improved energy, focus, and sleep. People experience less bloating, constipation and skin issues. I know some people who have even used it for weight loss or maintenance. It’s amazing what happens in our bodies when we intentionally take care of them.

Another amazing benefit that I have to mention is the positive impact doing this reset has on our families. The kids see you. They notice how you talk about yourself and about food. This reset helps change the language and the mindset around caring for ourselves and it starts spilling over into your family.

Why you should consider joining me

Is this sounding like something you need in your life? I’m running my version of the Shred10™, called the Healthy Habits Reset four times a year - though I’m always up for doing it more frequently! Because the group accountability and support is so important, I always organize at least a few people to do it together.

I hope you’ll consider joining me for my next Healthy Habits Reset starting on May 1st! I can’t wait to hear how amazing YOU feel at the end of the 10 days!



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