Work With Me

The Exhausted Mom Solution

In my 12-week online program, you will create sustainable, healthy habits that will lead to long-term energy and abundance. We will “set the table”: grounding your efforts in prayer, and addressing all aspects of your health, not just the food on your plate. We do everything wrapped in the knowledge that this work of caring for and healing our bodies is ultimately holy work - we are made to love and serve God and caring for our bodies is one way we can do this.

There are three different ways you can participate in the program. Click below to find the one that best suits your unique needs.

6 Month 1:1 Coaching Program

For moms who know they need more focused time and attention, we meet virtually twice a month for six months. This length of time together allows us to dive deeper into the root causes of your exhaustion and integrate sustainable behavioral change.

hands holding teacup

Curiosity Call

Not quite sure what program is best for you? Not sure what a health coach really does? Schedule a curiosity call with me! It’s a chance for you to share what you’re looking for and to discern where the Holy Spirit is leading you. This session is always free, so schedule away; you have nothing to lose!

So we’re all on the same page

The Client understands that the role of the Health Coach is not to prescribe or assess micro- and macronutrient levels; provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, the Coach is a mentor and guide who has been trained in holistic health coaching to help clients reach their own health goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes. The Client understands that the Coach is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by the Coach is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. If the Client is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription medications, the Client should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplement use with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor.