Hi! I’m Janna.

Janna standing

I’m a wife, a mom of three, a lover of books, and a certified integrative nutrition health coach.

When I coach moms on making small, sustainable changes for their health, we ground our conversations in:

  • the truth that God has a purpose for our lives that is beautifully unique to each of us

  • the physical and the spiritual aspects of our health

  • the concept of bio-individuality: that we are all unique and that what works for one person may not work for another

We’re put on this earth to bring glory to God and if we aren’t taking care of ourselves we’re limiting our ability to do just that.

How do I know this? Because I know the struggle of not having enough energy to make dinner, let alone "finding balance" or “pursuing my passion”.

When I constantly felt drained it was hard to enjoy my kids, make time for my husband, focus at work, and keep the house somewhat clean. I spent a lot of my adult life just existing and slogging through each day. 

I knew that while some seasons are hard, this daily slog couldn’t be how God wanted me to be living. I knew I had more to give this world than the proverbial dregs at the bottom of my coffee cup. 

After I finally accepted that I couldn’t fix everything all on my own, I started making a few tiny changes supported by my therapist and an amazing community. 

It wasn’t until I looked back that I saw how the Lord had put people and opportunities in my path exactly when I needed them. When I went back to school to become an integrative nutrition health coach, I got an even broader understanding of my health and seriously reevaluated some of my habits.

As I continued to learn, experiment, and tweak things, I realized that all the little things I was doing had started to add up. I discovered energy, motivation, a better relationship with Jesus, and improved health. 

You know how when you feel good, you forget how terrible you used to feel? I can’t tell you the day I started having so much more energy, but WOW do I never want to go back to how it used to be.

I want the same for you!

It is not the soul alone that should be healthy; if the mind is healthy in a healthy body, all will be healthy and much better prepared to give God greater service.

- Saint Ignatius Loyola