Podcast Interviews

Faith-Fueled Holistic Health and Stress Management for Christian Entrepreneurs - on A Purposeful Brand podcast

In this fun episode, Jessica and I dove deep into what it looks like to align your business and life with faith, manage stress in a way that brings peace instead of pressure, and embrace holistic self care practices that truly honor God. You're going to walk away with practical tips to live a more purpose driven life while maintaining the balance that so many of us crave.

Self-Care as a Holy Work - on The Catholic Sobriety Podcast

Don’t let the title of this podcast fool you, it’s for anyone who’s curious about reducing the amount of alcohol in their life! In this episode Christie Walker and I talk about how to care for yourself and I share my “setting the table” model as a guide for keeping faith as our primary focus.

Healthy Habits Reset - on Catholic Nurse Coach Podcast

This episode I talk with my friend, Nichole, all about my free Healthy Habits Reset. If you miss the Reset we’re talking about, you can always go to my events page to see upcoming Resets!

Health Through the Lens of Faith - on the My Health Renewed Podcast

Kristi and I had a wonderful, beautiful conversation about what it means to look at our health through the lens of faith. Kristi was such a joy to talk with and I hope you love this episode!

Unlocking Stress Management - on Mom Owned + Operated Podcast

In this episode Rita Suzanne and I talk about everything from raising a family, running a business and remembering yourself.

Creating “Easy Buttons” - on The Catholic Woman Podcast

Join Marie and I as we have a great conversation about supporting mental, physical, and spiritual well-being by inviting the Lord into our health and some practical ways we can make this a bit easier.

Rekindling a Healthy Relationship with your Body - on the Angie Inspires podcast

In this episode I share how I help and empower moms to love their bodies to fulfill their God given mission. Listen in as Angie and Janna talk about how to deal with stress, healthy eating, and how to have energy.

Nurturing the Unique You - on Persistence in Prayer podcast

Check out this podcast interview Janna did with Kylie Hein, host of the amazing, Persistence in Prayer podcast. In this episode they take a step back from the busyness to take a big picture look at the whole human, both body and soul. They talk about the integration of faith, health, and well-being, highlighting the importance of self-care for do-it-all women to thrive in their God-given missions.

12 Areas of Non-Food Nourishment That Affect Your Health for Exhausted Moms

It’s pretty awesome when the first answer to your health may very well be “awareness.” My guest today is health coach Janna Kerr, and you’ll absolutely love the stories she tells, especially the one where not changing ANYthing was a path to an actual health change! Wow!

We discuss the concept of “primary foods,” which are actually all the non-food aspects of life that affect what we put on our plates and thus, our overall health.

Building an understanding of these “primary foods” will help us live healthier, more fulfilled lives and even be better parents.

If you’ve ever felt out of balance or like you just aren’t hitting your goals (or don’t even have the bandwidth to SET goals), this interview is for you. 

Creating “Easy Buttons” for Your Spiritual, Physical, and Mental Health

Enjoy this essay Janna wrote for The Feminine Project on one of her favorite topics: easy buttons! While you’re there, browse the other great essays and take a look at this unique and beautiful membership. Click the link or the image to read.

Stress, overwhelm, and health - A Conversation with Rita Johnson of Divine Mercy NutritionalCare

Watch this 25 minute conversation with Rita and Janna to learn more of Janna’s story, how stress impacted her life, a new perspective on stress, and tools to start mastering it.

How to Reframe Stress and Thrive Under Pressure - Thriving Catholic Podcast

Listen to learn more about the "boring" definition of stress is--and a new definition that's more helpful, how understanding how our brains work can help us get a grip on our stress response, and more!

Click the image to listen

Reclaim Your Energy - True Presence for Catholic Moms Podcast

Listen to learn how you can reclaim your energy holistically by paying attention to the things that deplete and refuel you, and by making small adjustments that pack a punch.

What do I get out of organics?

In this half-hour event, Janna answers some key questions about organic produce:

Why should you consider adding organic produce to your diet?
What are the benefits of eating organic produce?
How to shop for organic produce?

Wrapping up the conversation, Nate Gulya shares how Juice Plus+ and Tower Garden can support your overall nutrition

Discover What’s More Important Than Food

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