Staying Motivated: 3 Practical Tips for Busy Moms
If you’re reading this blog, chances are high that you're a mom with a heart full of love and a schedule packed to the brim. Chances are also high that you’re stressed and feeling overwhelmed and dream of having just 20 minutes where you have zero decisions to make.
Staying focused or motivated in the chaos of mom life can feel like an unrealistic dream. So, as we work our way through February — when most of the shiny new-ness of the new year has worn off — let's look at a few practical steps you can take to keep yourself moving forward and not burning out in the process.
Practice Self-Compassion
You're quick to extend grace and kindness to others, but don't forget to show yourself the same compassion! One theme that’s been coming up frequently for me, for my clients, for my friends, and in posts I see online is this idea of gentleness or ease.
2023 was rough.
Everything that started picking up in 2022 came back in full force last year and we pushed ourselves HARD.
This year, the farther we got into January, the more this idea of gentleness came up in conversation. We made it through Christmas. We set goals or resolutions for the new year. Then January happened and we realized we needed a break.
Perhaps our collective word of the year for 2024 needs to be “gentle”.
Be gentle with yourself on those days when things don't go as planned. Embrace imperfection as part of the journey. Forgive yourself for slip ups or setbacks. Remember that you are loved no matter what. Pop on this playlist whenever you need a reminder.
Clarify Your Why
When we’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed by goals or tasks, it can be incredibly helpful to dig deep into why we’re doing these things. The 7 levels deep tool is a technique to get to the root of a problem or what’s really important to you. When you take a few minutes to ask yourself these questions, you gain new insights and awareness. You’ll either see that you can let something go, or get a zap of motivation to keep going.
You can do this exercise a few different ways: write it down, talk it out with yourself or ask someone else to ask you the questions (they need to be a good listener since they’re repeating your words back to you). There’s even this handy website that will walk you through it.
Let’s try it together:
What’s one thing you’re feeling unmotivated about but that you need to do? (This could be as simple as making dinner or as complex as making those dietary changes your doctor recommended.)
Ask yourself: What do I need to do?
Now ask yourself: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
And again: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
And again: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
And again: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
And again: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
And one last time: Why is it important that I (answer to the previous question).
As you sit with your final answer, what did you learn? Is this something you can let go of? What motivation or clarity did you discover? How can you be gentle with yourself in this area?
Ask for Help
I know, I know. It can be really uncomfortable to ask for help, but we aren’t meant to do everything on our own.
When we’re stressed, overwhelmed and unmotivated, it’s helpful to look at our capacity and demand. Practicing self-compassion and clarifying your why are ways to increase your capacity. Asking for help is a way to decrease the demands on your life.
Do you need to ask a friend to bring the kids home one afternoon so you don’t have to wake the baby to pick them up?
Can you ask your husband to unload the dishwasher before he leaves for work so it’s one less step for you later as you clean up the kitchen?
Perhaps you ask the kids to put away their laundry this time (who cares if all the pants are right-side-out and folded)?
Asking for help doesn’t have to be something huge. Oftentimes it's the little things that make a big difference.
You probably don’t hear this enough
You’re doing a great job, mama. You really are!
Whether or not you try any of these tips you. are. enough.
If any of these tips resonated with you and you feel like one jumped out at you, give it a go. Just pick one to do today.
If you’d like some help with this (hint, hint…asking for help!), click here to schedule a free Action & Accountability call. You'll walk away from the call knowing the one area you most want to focus on and you'll feel confident about at least two simple action steps you can take. Before we hang up, we'll agree on an accountability check in date when I'll text you to see how things are going.