A different spin on heart health

You may already know that February is American Heart Health month, aimed at promoting awareness of heart disease and advocating for cardiovascular health. At The Well would like to take a slightly different spin on heart health this year.

handprints around heart

At the end of the day, love and relationships are incredibly important to our health. What does this have to do with health coaching? As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I work with clients to balance what are called Primary Foods - all those things that impact our health OFF our plates. This month, I invite you to look at the primary food areas of relationships and social life and how these important aspects of your life impact your heart and your health.

Here are some questions to think about to help you dig into these two areas of primary food:

  • Are relationships something you’re currently investing your time in? As women and mothers, how about the relationships outside your home?

  • Do your current relationships support your unique needs for love, friendship, touch, intimacy and sex? (These are all different things by the way, and no one person can fulfill them all!)

  • How about your social life? What does a balanced social life look like for you? 

  • Do you need to have plans every weekend or is an occasional outing enough to fill your cup? 

  • Have you found that certain types of people energize you more than others?

Thinking about these two areas as important to your health may be a brand new concept to you. I encourage you to give it some thought! If something in one of these areas of feels lacking, decide on ONE small action you can take in the next two weeks to get things closer to where you’d like them to be. Don’t tackle everything at once. It’s all about the baby steps! I’d love to hear what you choose to do and how it goes. Feel free to comment below or tag me on social media.


An exciting invitation

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how nutrition impacts heart health. Rather than hear from me though, I invite you to join me on an upcoming call led by one of my favorite medical professionals, Dr. Tamara Sachs. Each year in February she hosts a call about heart health and this year it conveniently falls on Valentine’s Day! As you think about your relationships and social life, dial in to learn how improving your nutrition, even in tiny ways, can also have a huge impact on your health. 

Monday, February 14, 2022
8:30-9:00pm EST
Conference line: 267-807-9605
Code 505064#
*This call is sponsored by the Juice Plus+ Company, of which I’m a proud partner.

If, by the time you read this, you’ve missed the call, please email me and I’d be happy to send the recording your way!


An offer that’s always on the table

Would you like help learning how to balance relationships, social life or other primary food areas of your life? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about!


All organic? Not this health coach.