Holiday Survival Guide: 3 Tips for Your Own Self-Care

With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner I’m sure many of us are already turning our minds to the extra events on our calendars, the meals to prepare for and the shopping to be done.

As we juggle #allthethings, it’s so important to remember that taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish — it’s our most important responsibility. If we’re stressed out, run down, sick, cranky etc., we certainly aren’t operating at our best and it makes everything feel harder.

With all the extra things on your plate, how can you make sure that you enjoy the holidays without feeling completely drained? Here are some tips to keep some focus on your own health during a time of year when it’s easy for us to only think about our to-do lists. I’ll be tapping into these myself!

#1: Prioritize your faith

As Christians we’re called to put God first and this can be especially challenging during more hectic seasons. This is a particularly beautiful time of year to help our families grow in faith as we practice gratitude and prepare for and celebrate Christ’s birth. In the midst of the family preparations, don’t forget about your own heart, my friend. Whether you listen to a podcast while folding laundry or join an Advent book study (here’s the one I’m doing!) grounding your life in prayer is key.

If you don’t currently have a prayer routine, I want to challenge you to give the Lord the “first fruits” of your day. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, offer up a prayer. It can be as simple as “Thank you, Lord, for this day. Help me keep You at the center of my day today.”

#2: Feed yourself well

Rushing around and grabbing drive-thru dinner? Snacking on cookies between meetings or kids activities? I encourage you to give yourself the gift of nourishing food. You can prioritize fruits and veggies over empty carbs, or sneak in a whole grain here and there. You might eat eggs for breakfast instead of cereal and notice how your energy is throughout the morning. Notice the foods you tend to gravitate towards and try to make one healthy swap each day.

It may sound overly simple, but making sure you actually sit down at the table to eat can have a big impact! I don’t know about you, but if I’m eating a cookie at the dining room table, I likely won’t go back for a second cookie and I’ll actually enjoy the one I’m eating more than if I’d been standing in the kitchen, ready to grab a second one.

#3: Notice where you might be lacking in primary food

These are all the non-food areas of your life that impact your health. Is your home feeling cluttered and overwhelming or do the holiday decorations put you in a cheerful mood? Are you getting to spend extra time with friends and family or do you feel isolated and overwhelmed by your to-do list?

You don’t necessarily have to change anything. Just notice how you’re feeling. If there’s a simple change you can make, then go for it! If not, simply the act of creating awareness is often helpful in and of itself.

No clue what I’m talking about when I say “primary food”? Click here to get my new, free guide!

Feeling inspired to make self-care a priority this holiday season?

I invite you to join the upcoming FREE 10-day challenge: the Healthy Habits Reset! Join other moms as we prioritize our well-being during this crazy time of year. The Healthy Habits Reset is designed to help you incorporate simple, yet effective, healthy habits into your daily routine. You get to choose the areas you focus on and receive helpful resources as well as — and this is the best part — support and accountability from the community. 

I personally can’t wait to start the Healthy Habits Reset (this post-Thanksgiving one is my favorite one of the year) and I can’t wait for you to join me! Remember, your well-being matters. Self-care is not selfish or prideful or vain. It’s your most important responsibility. Join me for the Healthy Habits Reset and let's make this holiday season “merry and bright” not just for our families, but for ourselves too.


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