4 Ways to Enjoy Vacation Without Ditching Your Healthy Habits

While many of you have probably already been on vacation and back, I wanted to spend the blog this month sharing some of the tips I use to enjoy vacation while still holding onto the healthy habits I’ve worked so hard to build. If your vacations are done for the summer, this post is still for you! These tips will help you no matter when you’re away from home, whether it’s during summertime, the holidays or for work.


Tip #1: Enjoy the restaurants, but also pack your own food

Eating out when you're on vacation is a highlight and you should definitely enjoy it. However, not only will it save you money to pack some of your own food, but you’ll also have more control over your options. Bringing food from home or hitting a grocery store on the road enables you to have food on hand and not be at the mercy of whatever restaurants are around. When we’re on the road, while I pack fun, out-of-the-ordinary snacks for the car (hello, Pop-Tarts!), I also pack lots of fruits and veggies as well as oatmeal and shakes to eat for breakfast. As much as I love road trip snacks, I know I feel decidedly better when I make sure I eat some fruits and veggies and don't binge on junk all day. If you’re traveling by air you can still pack your own food, just not liquids. Pack plenty of healthy snacks so you aren’t tempted to spend $10 for a bag of mixed nuts at a kiosk near your gate. Airport food is so expensive! I’d rather pack a salad or a sandwich in a Tupperware and save my money for a nice glass of wine when I reach my destination. Another bonus: if you fill your carry-on with snacks, you’ll eat them, up automatically giving yourself more room for souvenirs on the way home. I also always travel with a water bottle that I fill after I get through security. It saves money and I’m more likely to stay hydrated, too.

Tip #2: Stick with your normal sleep routine

This applies to both adults and kids! When traveling, try to keep to your normal sleep routine as much as possible. When we're sleep deprived it impacts our immune system. Combine lack of sleep with less healthful food than usual and the normal germs of traveling, and you’re setting yourself up for illness once you get home — or worse — while you're away. Give your body a chance to rest from all the fun you've been having and enjoy a good night’s sleep. I’m not saying be in bed by 8pm on vacation (unless you’re exhausted, then by all means!). I’m recommending being aware of how many late nights you’re getting and trying to balance those late nights with some mornings to sleep in or a couple more normal bedtimes. My husband likes to call this “stacking a few nights of good sleep.” It really makes a huge difference! I’m usually better about keeping the kids on a schedule than I am myself, so sometimes my win is them going to bed so I can enjoy the quiet…and then try not to stay up too late myself.


Tip #3: Enjoy in moderation

You're on vacation. You want to relax and unwind. You’re out of your normal day-to-day routine and you want to enjoy it. I'd encourage you not to throw out your healthy habits in the name of "vacation" and instead enjoy your trip while staying mindful of what habits help keep you feeling your best. If you know too much alcohol makes it hard for you to sleep, designate which nights you'll enjoy a drink or two and which nights you'll stick with sparkling water. If you know certain foods bother you, indulge once or twice then give your body a break the rest of the trip. A past client had great success with enjoying in moderation. She was going on an annual girl’s weekend and had a great system going with eating in a way that supported and nourished her. While she was away, she didn't want to ignore what she learned, but she also wanted to enjoy herself and not feel restricted. She decided — in advance — that she’d stick with her eating plan for the most part, but that she’d thoroughly enjoy her meal at one restaurant she knew they’d be going to. She ate well, had a great trip, enjoyed in moderation, and when she came back, told me she felt much better coming home from that trip than she had any other trip she'd taken with her girlfriends. It is possible to enjoy your vacation without feeling like your good habits are limiting you. It’s all about having an intentional plan.

Tip #4: Remember your vitamins and/or supplements

If you’ve deemed it important enough to purchase vitamins and/or supplements, remember to pack them when you travel. Just because you're traveling doesn't mean that your body suddenly doesn't need the same nutrients it does when you're at home. If fact, we need even better nutritional support when we’re on vacation and off our normal routine! You’ve worked hard to create the habit of taking your vitamins or supplements, so treat them just like you would your necessary medications. If you have medication for asthma, allergies, or blood pressure, treat your vitamins and supplements the same way —. As you're packing for your trip, make sure you pack them, too! Whenever we travel I always pack extra Juice Plus+. It’s the only supplement my family currently takes and it comes with us no matter what. I like knowing that especially with the change in our routine, the more "fun" foods, the lack of sleep, and travel germs, we have the nutritional seatbelt of Juice Plus+. If anyone starts feeling crummy, we double or triple up to give our bodies that extra nutrition. (And it's totally safe to do so, because Juice Plus+ is just food!) Don’t deprive your body of the good stuff you give it just because you’re away.

How does more tips and support sound?

The success my clients have comes from the accountability of having a coach and the practiced behaviors we work on together. If anything you’ve read here sounds intimidating or you have questions, please don’t hesitate to schedule a call with me. There’s no obligation to work with me, I just love the opportunity to be of support to you. Click here to schedule some time on my calendar. You’re worth it.


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