Let’s Keep Things Simple

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May is crazy, but let’s be honest, when you're a mom, most of the year is pretty crazy. This month I’m focusing on simplicity, both for my own sanity and in what I’m sharing with others.

“Being healthy” can feel overwhelming and complicated. I don’t know about you, but when I read things that claim eating a plant-based diet, getting quality sleep, and having a consistent exercise routine are “simple,” I can feel really defeated. Those things sound simple, but to put them into practice, most of us need a bit of help with actual, practical steps and tips!

This month, let’s keep it actually simple. I’m sharing some of my top tips to keep paying attention to your health as simple as possible.

Keep Food Simple 

Make salads in a jar.

This is one of my favorite feed-myself-well hacks. I’ll pick a day of the week (usually the day right after I’ve gone grocery shopping) and prep 4-5 salads in a jar to have quick and nutritious lunches ready to go. It takes me a max of 30 minutes and that’s if I’m chopping veggies. Usually I just throw in whatever I have lying around. There are lots of great ideas on Pinterest, but if you have zero clue what I’m talking about, check my social media for a post all about making a salad in a jar!


Have an emergency back up meal.

I’ve shared about this before, but it’s so good it’s worth repeating! This is one of the tips I use myself and also teach in The Exhausted Mom Solution, my 12-week virtual program. Your emergency back up meal should be 1 - something your family enjoys, and 2 - a dinner you almost always have the ingredients on hand for, i.e. something simple. Don’t put this meal in your regular rotation. Keep it in the wings for a night when schedules are crazy, you forgot to defrost something, you’re just too plain tired to cook what you originally had in mind, or you had no plan and now the children are hangry.

In our house, spaghetti and meatballs is the emergency back up meal. In 20-30 minutes I have dinner on the table and everyone is excited because we don’t eat it that often. If I heat up some frozen veggies, that’s an added bonus. Dinner is quick, everyone is happy, and I add the ingredients to my shopping list for the next time I need my emergency back up meal.

Keep Physical Activity Simple

Embrace the concept of “Doing it anyway.”

This is one of the most impactful mindsets I’ve learned from Courtney over at MommaStrong. When I realized that I didn’t have to put on a sports bra and gym clothes to get some movement in my day, it was freedom. When I realized that fitting in a few stretches before bed on a super busy day could count as my movement, it was game-changing. I want this for you, too! Embrace the idea of getting it done anyway and get some movement in while you're in your pjs, with the kids climbing all over you, or in the kitchen while you wait for the microwave to beep.


Keep Relationships Simple

Talk with 1 person outside of your house each day.

Stop scrolling. It makes you feel terrible anyway and isn’t true connection. Instead, text a friend, call your mom or just smile and say hi to the cashier at Target. We’re made for human connection, and especially if you’re home with kids a lot, having a conversation — no matter how brief — with another adult can be very life-giving.

Keep Mental Health Simple


Put a reminder or alarm on your phone to pause and say a short prayer. Spend time with the Lord, even if it’s while you’re doing dishes or chauffeuring the kids somewhere. Prayer is especially helpful on days where everything feels complicated or overwhelming. Give it all to Jesus. Ask Him to help you let go and to trust in Him.

Practice a lion pose.

This is one of my very favorite stress-relief hacks. You can do it pretty much anywhere and feel the results almost immediately. I’ve done a lion pose in a bathroom at a bridal shower, in my basement to escape the kids, and in the dining room as the kids were causing chaos all around me. It’s pretty incredible.

Stand with your legs slightly apart and stretch your arms out to either side so you look like a starfish. Stand up straight and be sure not to lock your knees. Make yourself as big as you can. Now, close your eyes and breathe. You can hold this pose as long as you need to. When you’re agitated, you will start to feel your body calm down. Check out the quick reel I did to see an example!

Want More Simple Tips and Support?

In honor of Mother’s Day, for the month of May, I’m offering my 1:1 coaching program at more than 20% off! I’m all about keeping things simple while helping you make meaningful, life-giving change in your health. Let’s work together to build a consistent exercise routine, lose those pesky pounds, or safely make changes to your diet for more energy. 1:1 coaching is all about YOUR goals and what you want to focus on. 

Curious? Grab some time on our calendars so we can see if it’s a good fit for you right now.


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